Exploring the effect of host factors on the relationship between pre-existing immunity and influenza vaccine response


June 14, 2021

Mechanistic models suggest that fold change in flu immunity after vaccination should be linearly decreasing with pre-vaccination immunity. However, these models do not account for host factors, such as age. We found that mechanistic model predictions were sometimes supported by the data, and we are working to explore when they are and are not.

I presented a poster at the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease conference in 2021. The conference was supposed to be held in Montpellier, France, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic was held virtually in gather.town. That was an interesting experience.

The poster can be found here, and is also embedded below. We are continuing our exploration of vaccine cohort data to determine what mechanistic model predictions can be verified by data, and what aspects of mechanistic models may need to be adapted.