Journal club (Nauta et al.)


October 25, 2022

Slides from a paper discussion that I led at my seminar.

I led a discussion of this paper

Nauta JJ, Beyer WE, Osterhaus AD. On the relationship between mean antibody level, seroprotection and clinical protection from influenza. Biologicals. 2009;37(4):216-221. doi:10.1016/j.biologicals.2009.02.002.

at the seminar I coordinate. It was a pretty interesting paper – I read a lot about HAI titers and flu vaccines, and I think it’s interesting that I haven’t really seen a lot of people explicitly address the concerns from this paper. I also think their results extend to a lot of diseases beyond flu, and point to the general issue of “point-estimate-is-the-estimate-ism” that seems so prevalent in science. The slides are embedded below or you can get them here if you’re interested.